Knowing Yourself


When we look around at all that’s available to us in the horse world, we find the equestrian industry loaded with easy access to massive amounts of information. How do we know what is quality information and of value for us and the horse?

I found for many years I had my hand out waiting for someone to take ahold of it and lead me where I thought I needed to go. I hoped that whoever took ahold of my hand would know what was next. I was in a frame of mind that someone else knew best. This very thought led me and the horse I was working with into trouble. After getting into several wreaks, I soon began to realize that I could learn to know my horses needs. I began to ask the right questions that supported me into developing a knowledge for myself. It came down to knowing myself.

In the past I had learned to abdicate responsibility for my choices. I found myself frustrated that others were telling me how to apply myself  as if all horses had exactly the same formula for success. This turned out to be disastrous for me. I needed to take responsibility. I needed to trust myself.

I soon started to learn how to listen to the horses needs along with my own. I started to decipher what is quality information. I found this by allowing information to humbly resonate between me and my horse.

Know yourself  

Trust your heart 

Trust the wisdom and guidance 

Your horse gives you

By Donnette Hicks 

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