Sage Creek III & IV
July 18th & 19th, 2025
Judges: Melonie Kessler & Mike Osinski
For details and prize list click link below:
Entry Link:
You must contact SAGE CREEK management for stabling reservations, email Brooke at Paying for it on your entry will not guarantee a reservation.

Hello to all:
Thank you again for competing or having your horse compete at Sage Creek I and II.
It was a great show and we enjoyed hosting all of you.
Entries for Sage Creek III and IV are now open.
We would like to inform you of a few important changes in our policies.
As you might be aware – Sage Creek purchased tents and panels for additional stabling, which we have been offering since last year to accommodate all horses.
There is a significant cost associated with those temporary stalls as well as significant labor to set them up. We set up those stalls based on need. Therefore if we have a stabling cancellation that we cannot fill – we will no longer be able to refund any stabling.
Also in an effort to streamline our accounting all stabling has to be paid in advance at the time you enter the show. You still need to contact Brooke to make a reservation for the stalls you need, however we will not guarantee any stalls without payment with your entry.
Team Challenge
Sage Creek III and IV will once again offer the exciting team challenge: A cash prize of $300 awaits! $100 for each member of your team.
How does it work?
You must declare a team at the start of the competition (or at least before your rides) that consists of one Open rider, one Amateur and one Junior/YR.
The team with the most points wins at the end of Sage Creek IV. Intro tests and Freestyle tests are excluded.
Important – we have made the following change: We now use your raw points score. The team with the highest score wins. This should even out the discrepancy between different tests. In the past some teams had less of a chance since all their members rode 3rd level and higher. Now a score of 60% at 3rd level will give you more points in comparison to a score of 70% at Training level.
The Buckle!
Don’t forget about the coveted Sage Creek Buckle!
The buckle will be awarded to the rider with the highest average score across all four shows – this means you must compete in all four shows to qualify.
We will average the scores of the rider – it does not have to be the same horse. That means you could have earned two scores at Sage Creek I and II with a certain horse and then get more scores at Sage Creek III and IV with another horse.
Lastly – please use
Make your life easy and use
Once you create a profile – make sure you enter all your numbers carefully – EquestrianEntries will create copies for all your memberships etc.
You are also able to upload your vaccination records, signatures, test copies (for freestyles).
If you do not wish to pay online you simply print out your entry from EquestrianEntries and mail it to Simone.
No more miscalculations since Equestrian Entries does all of that for you. No more making copies of all your cards.
And once you have created a profile you can use it for every show in Utah and every year you are showing.