Eclectic Horseman Magazine Subscription
Eclectic Horseman Magazine Subscription
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You’ve just found Eclectic Horseman, the bi-monthly magazine dedicated to educating horse owners of all skill levels and disciplines. Eclectic Horseman is filled with solid information for horse owners of every skill level and takes a balanced approach to your education.
Every issue features detailed how-to articles from a number of top trainers and clinicians as well as thought-provoking philosophical stories. Eclectic Horseman is different from any other horse publication on the market.
How-To Articles With:
* Descriptions from the best in the business.
* Detailed step-by-step articles teaching readers how to perform specific tasks or accomplish certain goals with their horse.
* Articles covering a variety of levels, one for beginners, one for more advanced riders.
* Easy to follow photos layouts and diagrams for you to follow.
* Exploring how craftsmen create the equipment we use on our horses and ourselves.
* Looking outside traditional understandings: biomechanics, body movement, holistic medicines.
* Studies and reprints of ancient horsemanship texts to learn from the masters of the past.
And Philosophical Articles Exploring:
* Anecdotes from talented horsemen that teach a horsemanship lesson or experience.
* Explanation of why horses have certain reactions and why some methods are more effective.
* Stories that teach how to build a better relationship through understanding and communication.