Jessica Creek

Posts by Jessica Creek

Self Knowledge

For me my sensitivity to the horse, hinges on what I am willing to receive as the horse reflects who I am. I have found I never give some parts of who I am enough credit, but it is just as certain the horse has reflected to me there are parts I have given too much credit.
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Ask A New Question

  When asking the horse the same question, and they respond with undesired results, ask a different question. I have experienced myself applying the same action with a horse repeatedly expecting a different outcome.  “Asking the horse the same question again and again,  and expecting a different result, is the true meaning of insanity” When I
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Past or present?

Do you live in the past or the present with your horse? Does your horse live in the past or the present with you? This is a topic I think about quite often. When I am working with young horses that have not had much handling, it is like working with a blank canvas. This
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Freely Giving

The bed and breakfast was full of excitement as everyone gathered for dinner. I enjoyed sitting with my friend Milly Hunt Porter outside on the upper deck.  The sun raised a hand in creating spectacular views. The distant river looked inviting in its filter of soft colors. The air was still and lent a calm
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Being Kind With Ourselves

I felt his breath begin to labor as the climb up the mountain became challenging. I asked myself if the heat along with the steep grade was to stressful for this large bodied black horse. A flat area came into focus ahead of me. I surveyed his needs to make a decision, rest or continue. We
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Releasing Limiting Beliefs

  What we believe determines not only our health, but the physical stance and posture we assume, and that physicality becomes the way we communicate to others and our horse. Many of our beliefs empower us. Limiting or fear driven core beliefs are the ones that create chaos. They show themselves in how both human
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Empowered Listening

  It takes courage to listen in a transformative way. Humans often are unknowing in how they intrench themselves in unyielding listening, especially when it relates to their horses.  Letting go of our identity, fear and judgment, will remove our desire to always listen to respond. Many of our needs will be cared for in our ability
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Curiosity Opens Exploration

I often find pleasure and relief in my daily desire to explore new discoveries. Every horse throughout my day has a message to convey. Mornings are full of conscious clearings of tension and residue from my prior days experiences. When I practice this I am able to receive what feels like little pearls from each
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A Letter To Self

I am taking a workshop called ” Life Course ” in this corse I was asked to write a letter to my self.  It resulted in becoming this poem. If you wrote a letter to yourself what would it say?   Dear Donnette How can I convey How I believe in you Your heart expands
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I Now Stand

My body aches From a world That takes I unraveled and wanted Believed what was flaunted But was Cut down Yet my roots grew And found a way To sprout and sway Into the light My insides illuminated Thriving wings Opened and culminated I now stand Observing the land Spinning in sand As I leap
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